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Write some code and run it.

Implemented so far:
* All ops expected in Java with precedence, except for: unary +, and ternary
* Types: int, char, double, boolean, String, array
* Cast to int and char
* while, do-while, normal for loops, and switches
* if, else if, else
* return
* break and continue (with tags)
* Syntax checking messages (a little weak)
* Global variables, methods

Nest if's and loops with/out '{}' as much as you like.

Strings currently have default value of "" instead of null.

Built-in methods:
* void print(String) // Prints the given String to the display console.
* double rand() // Returns a random double in range [0,1).

The program looks for a method called main with no params, to run.
Use the terminate button if your code execution is taking a long time or is in an infinite loop.

You can use ctrl+t to insert 4 spaces like a tab.

Lots to do...

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Tags: with-source code gui program bourne

open in greenfoot

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 08 23:44:41 UTC 2014 Added String methods: * int length() * boolean isEmpty() * char charAt(int) * String substring(int) * String substring(int, int) * boolean equals(String)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri May 09 01:10:46 UTC 2014 Added a majority of String methods. Below is the complete list of supported String methods. Will be working next on compiling together a language spec that will be accessible from the scenario. char charAt(int) int compareTo(String) int compareToIgnoreCase(String) boolean contains(String) boolean endsWith(String) boolean equals(String) boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String) int indexOf(char) int indexOf(char, int) int indexOf(String) int indexOf(String, int) boolean isEmpty() int lastIndexOf(char) int lastIndexOf(char, int) int lastIndexOf(String) int lastIndexOf(String, int) int length() String replace(char, char) String replace(String, String) boolean startsWith(String) boolean startsWith(String, int) String substring(int) String substring(int, int) char[] toCharArray() String toLowerCase() String toUpperCase() String trim()


Next you should create your own programming language ;)


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 09 05:44:12 UTC 2014 Added syntax coloring and switches. Switches work with ints and chars, but only literals since no constants support yet. Breaks with/out labels also work in switches. And of course case and default. Keywords as variable names no longer allowed, and other bug fixes. Syntax coloring made possible by new general coloring feature added to TextBox. With extension on TextBox's included ColorCoder class.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 09 05:57:45 UTC 2014 Added syntax coloring and switches. Switches work with ints and chars, but only literals since no constants support yet. Breaks with/out labels also work in switches. And of course case and default. Keywords as variable names no longer allowed, and other bug fixes. Syntax coloring made possible by new general coloring feature added to TextBox. With extension on TextBox's included ColorCoder class. Couple more bug fixes


That is really nice.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 09 17:12:38 UTC 2014 Bug fixes and made printout consoles to autoscroll down
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 09 18:15:14 UTC 2014 Few more fixes and clean up of some code


I have to say: this is what geek does, and I am only a programmer.

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