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PROJECT TITLE: moonbotsim
PURPOSE OF PROJECT: simulate LEGO MoonBot robot missions
VERSION: 21-August-2010
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Press Run and the robot will run the script. Reset to start over.
AUTHORS: Bryant Pong with help from Steve Putz
MOONBOTS TEAM: Lunar Horizon
WEB SITE: http://sites.google.com/site/moonbotsteamhorizon/
This simulates a LEGO NXT robot performing the Moonbots challenge
(Details at www.moonbots.org).
The robot movements are controlled by a text script file.
The simulation program shows the movements of the robot and plots its waypoints and course.
The same script language is used to control our actual NXT robot for the Moonbots challenge.
The script file can include the following commands:
forward (parameter is distance in cm)
turnTo (parameter is compass heading in degrees)
positionWall (parameters are compass heading in degrees, and distance from wall in cm)
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