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This is just a small demo showing my custom login system.
By default you are NOT registered. You can register an account once you are logged in on the Greenfoot website. You define a password that can be reset later, if you are logged in on the website.
DON'T USE A PASSWORD YOU USE ELSEWHERE! The password IS hashed in a simple way, however the auther can look at that value.
Once you have an account you can log in using your normal username and the created password. You can now also log in from another account or without being logged in at all.
Once logged in you can test my (so far not very advanced) Windows 10 emulator. Its (only) feature is the fully functional window system. You can drag the window, fullscreen it with the button or by double-clicking the top bar, and scale it by dragging the borders.
About the drawing system:
This scenario uses my custom widget system. This means that the whole screen is actually just a single actor. The image that shows the widget and animations is (efficiently) drawn completly customly and is not bound to any Greenfoot draw order system.
It is loosely based on the widget system of Flutter, which is used for android apps.
Like usually, everything is 100% reusable. The widgets may take some time to get used to though and will not be nice to code inside the Greenfoot editor, which is one of the reasons why I`'m using VSCode.
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This scenario is a member of: Reusable classes
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