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Scenarios tagged: windows

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play Login System/ Windows Emulator
plays 4479 / votes 10

Login System/ Windows Emulator

by RcCookie, 2021/1/14

Using a custom widget system

play Windows XP: Greenfoot Edition
plays 3073 / votes 9

Windows XP: Greenfoot Edition

by DatHeroAndy, 2020/10/14

Windows XP: Greenfoot Edition (Still a Demo)

play Windows
plays 3659 / votes 4


by Nichodon, 2017/5/4

(Not the wall opening, the computing type)

play Minesweeper
plays 6331 / votes 3


by Dantuna, 2012/11/13

Classic Minesweeper!

play 2d Aimbot (erdelf version)
plays 5310 / votes 5

2d Aimbot (erdelf version)

by erdelf, 2012/6/29

It is my version of Bytelords 2d Aimbot