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A text-based pacman first programed in a listbox in Visual Basic (using MS Visual Studios)
Translated to Java and Greenfoot

WASD to move
'0' key to select new level
'9' key to reset current level

Map markers:

# wall
- only ghosts can pass through
= only pacman can pass through
$ extra points
& extra time
* trap, lose time
^ trap, get stuck
! pacman is hungry
. dot
% when walked over, makes movement for pacman opposite (ie left is now right)
/ when walked over, makes movement for pacman normal
ยง portal

Source includes text file Create.txt for instructions on creating your own maps

7274 views / 17 in the last 7 days

Tags: game pacman with-source levels gui text-based-world bourne translated

open in greenfoot

There is no HTML 5 translation of this scenario available.
View legacy version (requires Java plugin)

This scenarios uses Java features that are not available for use after conversion to HTML 5. Please try the legacy version, which requires the Java plugin to be installed.

A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 13 05:33:25 UTC 2013 Preparation for a project coming soon.

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