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Controll Mr. Cubeman by dragging him around the screen. Avoid the walls, as they will sent you back to the begining. Also runing out of time will also send you to the begining. Time running out will reset checkpoints as well.
There are curently 7 levels. I will add at least 3 more. I plan on adding the 8th level in a few days but it takes quite a long time to write the code for each level!
Tell me if there are any bugs, also if anyone has any ideas please tell me them.
I do not know of any existing bugs so its especially important to comment about them if you find any.
This was my entry for the june intermediate competition and it won! Now it is on the second page of most popular (last time I checked).
Lastly please PLEASE like this game so it can get to the first page of Most popular.
6635 views / 28 in the last 7 days
15 votes | 0 in the last 7 days
This scenario is a member of: Challenge Winners, CHALLENGE 3 | June
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