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Scenarios tagged: cube

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play Virtual Challenge Cube
plays 3552 / votes 1

Virtual Challenge Cube

by danpost, 2013/11/4

4x4x4 Drag'n'drop Challenge Cube.

play Rubic's Cube Algorithm Visualiser
plays 2999 / votes 0

Rubic's Cube Algorithm Visualiser

by fejfo, 2016/8/9

make Rubic's Cube algorithms more clear and easier to learn!

play Brick
plays 2654 / votes 0


by DoctorMitch, 2015/2/17

Join Brick on his never ending journey!

play Mr Cubeman's Maze
plays 6647 / votes 15

Mr Cubeman's Maze

by steved, 2013/6/4

AVOID THE WALLS! (no really, avoid them)

play illusion
plays 3637 / votes 4


by Hiimachicken, 2013/12/15

Somesort of an illusion

play Math Cube Maze
plays 3343 / votes 4

Math Cube Maze

by erdelf, 2013/10/2

Solve the maze

play Cube3
plays 4674 / votes 5


by 8bitcarrotjuice, 2013/7/29

Cube cubed.

play 3D Work-in-progress
plays 3687 / votes 2

3D Work-in-progress

by RedPhoneBooth, 2012/12/29

Trying to make a 3d cube with a texture rotate

play "Rubix" Cube
plays 4667 / votes 2

"Rubix" Cube

by SpaceMonkey, 2011/11/28

Solve the "Rubix" cube