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FlyingRabidUnicornPig presents ...



My entry for the expert challenge this month.
Pong-Out! is a mix of Breakout (a.k.a Brickbreaker) and Pong. Two players both have a ball and try to get the most points destroying the bricks and without losing any balls.


Left Side:
w - up
s - down
e - release ball

Right Side:
arrow keys - up and down
space - release ball

Thanks to mik and mjrb4 for the breakout code.

4460 views / 11 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source breakout pong c3ej13

This scenario is a member of: CHALLENGE 3 | June, Reusable Code from FRUP

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 20 18:18:41 UTC 2013 Updated thumbnail.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 20 19:35:59 UTC 2013 - Scores for hitting bricks or getting your ball to the other side. They have not been visibly implemented into the game yet. I should be getting that done later today (won't be able to work on it for a few hours) - Resets ball when it touches one of the sides.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 21 15:04:30 UTC 2013 -Scoreboard added. -Get 1 Point for scoring a goal - Get 2 Points for a brick (will probably change it to one, it is currently a glitch)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 21 16:58:45 UTC 2013 - When all the bricks are gone, there are fireworks!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 21 22:44:19 UTC 2013 - 3 Different levels of different bricks
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jun 22 04:15:28 UTC 2013 Got rid of secret code I placed into game to skip levels (was meant for debugging)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jun 23 16:36:55 UTC 2013 - AI will pause for a bit before shooting balls. They won't shoot straight forward either, that caused a few problems whenever they did. - The ball is released from your paddled depending on how you're moving, instead of randomly - Removed a class that wasn't being used.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jun 23 23:04:34 UTC 2013 - Fixed glitch with AI "losing" a ball (one of the balls would disapear)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jun 23 23:14:48 UTC 2013 - Balls reset when it's a new level.


This is way more awesome than I thought it would be when I clicked!

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