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Scenarios tagged: demo

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play TextBox01
plays 12893 / votes 3


by dbal, 2008/7/13

Demo of a simple TextBox GUI object

play Menu02
plays 11438 / votes 2


by dbal, 2008/7/19

Demonstration of a GUI menu class.

play VisualPersistence01
plays 4046 / votes 0


by dbal, 2008/7/19

play BouncingBalls
plays 7198 / votes 1


by jafish, 2008/7/15

Simple simulation of balls bouncing off the walls.

play Dialog Demo
plays 8631 / votes 1

Dialog Demo

by mjrb4, 2008/7/14

Demo of a simple dialog class I wrote a while back

play PointToMouse
plays 5487 / votes 0


by Skintkingle, 2008/7/14

Pointing to any given point

play TextLabel01
plays 8701 / votes 0


by dbal, 2008/7/13

Demonstration of custom GUI labels.

play GravityClass
plays 5946 / votes 1


by Skintkingle, 2008/7/11

Gravity and wall bouncing Classes