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Scenarios tagged: with-source

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play Fly Vs Spiders
plays 2672 / votes 0

Fly Vs Spiders

by Sisko, 2010/6/17

Simulation: A brave fly is driving a bunch of spiders crazy!

play antBootCamp-II
plays 2746 / votes 0


by Sisko, 2010/6/15

Simulation: Ants team up to hunt for spiders.

play antBootCamp
plays 3188 / votes 0


by Sisko, 2010/6/14

Ants competing for a spider.

play Input Test
plays 5872 / votes 5

Input Test

by gnowak, 2010/6/14

Test input from keyboard

play Gravity
plays 6752 / votes 3


by TilX, 2010/4/28

Two players try to shoot each other, but there are some planets between them...

play Baby Ambulance
plays 5216 / votes 0

Baby Ambulance

by SangYun, 2010/6/7

Exciting Game!

play Matrix Effect
plays 6482 / votes 11

Matrix Effect

by Spilli, 2010/6/11

Creates a rain effect

play Duck Hunt
plays 6333 / votes 0

Duck Hunt

by eunle, 2010/6/11

A simple duck shooting game

play ?????? ???? 07
plays 2260 / votes 0

?????? ???? 07

by idanfr, 2010/6/10