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Scenarios tagged: with-source

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play wombats2
plays 4097 / votes 0


by M.Nagyp, 2008/10/5

play Birds And Trees
plays 10837 / votes 10

Birds And Trees

by polle, 2008/9/29

Birds flocking, avoiding trees

play fifteen
plays 7365 / votes 3


by djb, 2008/8/22

Fifteen puzzle

play Card Pairing
plays 8866 / votes 3

Card Pairing

by Bjarki, 2008/9/4

Find all pairs in as few moves as possible

play balance
plays 4241 / votes 0


by djb, 2008/8/7

Balance balls on a tilting board.

play Ants Advanced 1.0
plays 5901 / votes 2

Ants Advanced 1.0

by Thundera, 2008/8/14

play Ulam_1_02_full
plays 3408 / votes 0


by wjm, 2008/8/11

Displays the Ulam spiral pattern

play Ulam
plays 2899 / votes 0


by wjm, 2008/8/10

Displays the Ulam spiral pattern

play particles
plays 6291 / votes 1


by djb, 2008/7/31

Moving particles interacting with each other