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Multiple Conditions?
By DMCGames, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Builderboy2005, about 13 years ago:
Try putting a System.out.println("Test") inside of the If statement. That way you will be able to tell what the problem is. Is the problem that the If statement isn't being triggered, or that the object isn't being added properly?
A-Level Computing : Programming Language
By, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Duta, about 13 years ago:
Java would be a great addition in my opinion :D At my sixth form college, if you study IB (international baccalaureate) Computer Science, you use Java in the IDE's NetBeans, BlueJ and Greenfoot, which in my opinion (as a student of the course) its a great system. Our A level Computing students have to use Visual Basic though (poor them...)
GamePad not finding package
By MikeReilly22, with 1 reply.
Replied to by MikeReilly22, about 13 years ago:
Self-answer, persistence and experimentation pays off! Since the PacMan could not find the, but I saw it there, I decided to just replace the gamepadlib folder with the one from the GamePadTester which did work. This solved the recognition problem. Then there were two methods in PacMan that were improperly overriding the move method by narrowing the access from public to private, so I changed them to public. Then, it worked! So, copy the gamepadlib folder from GamePadTester on top of the PacManGamePad folder. And, don't forget to rename the jinput-dx8_64 to j
How to transition to new level
By Blight, with 3 replies.
Last reply by davmac, about 13 years ago:
Blight, if you need more help, you should post some code to show what you have and what you're having trouble with. The question is way too general otherwise.
Using mousePressed
By Mikeson, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Mikeson, about 13 years ago:
Thats Builder boy that the trick. and thanks for the refernce as Im only using greenfoot to learn java.
Sidescrolling with an end
By Blight, with 3 replies.
Last reply by davmac, about 13 years ago:
Well, how does the code keep track of the position within the world (i.e. the amount the background has scrolled)? I'm not looking at the code right now, but I assume there is some variable somewhere which tracks this?
um... My World isn't getting seen by the program?
By NJoson, with 15 replies.
Last reply by NJoson, about 13 years ago:
THANK YOU!!!!!!! I noticed the issue with the WestboundAuto class. The new Road() solved the issue.
whats boolean
By tylers, with 15 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 13 years ago:
What is line 33 in your last code post?
By tylers, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, about 13 years ago:
Refer to the discussion at
By tylers, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, about 13 years ago:
There have been some discussions on this topic already. Just a few I spotted reviewing previous ones.
By programmer22, with 7 replies.
Last reply by programmer22, about 13 years ago:
just saying but i did that crab crab thing u said and it didnt work so i left my world class the same so the last thing you said i would have to do in order for it to have the right score correct and if so heres my code because when i put in c.getValue() it didnt work said something about not knowing what c is and im still lost on Counter c = w.getCounter(); where would i put that ? like whats confusing me is after you put in a method like: public int getScore() 09.{ return score; } //Then to get the score, you do: c.getScore(); would i put c score in with the rest or what?
maybe found bug in greenfoot
By stevenGrohe, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Duta, about 13 years ago:
Yeah I do this quite often, and its always worked for me
By Duta, with 7 replies.
Last reply by mjrb4, about 13 years ago:
What you're describing is part of the built in swing classes that are the default UI building toolkit for standard Java programs (at least until Java 8!) The popups are easy to use but as already pointed out they're annoying, look very separate from the Greenfoot scenario and in many browsers the warning triangle that pops up by them to warn you that they're part of an applet can make users a bit suspicious that something else is going on! I've used them a few times but usually changed them to something else later, they might be good as a quick hack but I wouldn't recommend using them perma
Generating Random Color and Brightness
By theDoctor, with 3 replies.
Last reply by DonaldDuck, about 13 years ago:
Just to add to this, you can assign an alpha value to your new color. The color constructor new color(float r, float g, float b, float a) does this. Greenfoot.getRandomNumber returns an int, but it should be converted to a float in the color constructor. If not, it's an easy fix. Change your color constructor to this. <Code Omitted>
platform game
By craigv, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Duta, about 13 years ago:
Have a look at - that's how I do it