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Ideas for the future
By kiarocks, with 10 replies.
Last reply by DonaldDuck, about 13 years ago:
kiarocks wrote...
I think it would be cool to visually see it.
His PhD? ;)
mjrb4 wrote...
Yes - but bear in mind I started said PhD a few months ago. So it'll probably be 3 years or so before it comes to fruition ;)
Best of luck!
Just curiosity: What is the purpose of abstract classes/methods?
By darkmist255, with 2 replies.
Last reply by darkmist255, about 13 years ago:
Whoa, I actually was closer than I thought :D! Thanks!
Why won't my game drag cards?
By kiarocks, with 2 replies.
Last reply by kiarocks, about 13 years ago:
Ok, i will fix that, but i figured this problem out: i told it
to check to drag if it
dragging. Whoops!!!
Cannot find symbol- constructor world
By mmarboe, with 2 replies.
Last reply by mmarboe, about 13 years ago:
Thank you! All fixed! The help is very much appreciated!
missing method body or declare abstract
By mmarboe, with 2 replies.
Last reply by mmarboe, about 13 years ago:
thank you! got it fixed!
Possible site bug
By AwesomeNameGuy, with 2 replies.
Last reply by AwesomeNameGuy, about 13 years ago:
Well, I didn't consider that.. because of course the possibility of someone unlikeing one of my masterful scenarios is so extremely remote of course..but I guess anythings possible!
By DMCGames, with 10 replies.
Last reply by DonaldDuck, about 13 years ago:
Copy AwesomeNameGuys checkForCollisions method but modify it to look below the object rather than beside it. Change the blockedOnRight to an onGround boolean. Now, wherever you increase the gravity (y speed), say if(!onGround) before. In the future, this may be an easier way to deal with this.
Problems with variables in my Breakout game.
By Are1222, with 5 replies.
Last reply by DonaldDuck, about 13 years ago:
The code I gave you was intended for the actor class. Simply make a variable in the world class and use either of the codes I provided you with to modify that variable or check it.
Ninja arcade multi player 2!!!
By drhorriblejr, with 3 replies.
Last reply by drhorriblejr, about 13 years ago:
Thanks Are1222, I will try that out.
Checking if object is in the world
By prti, with 11 replies.
Last reply by prti, about 13 years ago:
how can C objects have the same rotation as B objects underneath, when Cs are created? i have multiple Bs with differend rotations
Change Actor
By Dalle4, with 1 reply.
Replied to by DonaldDuck, about 13 years ago:
<Code Omitted>In the world <Code Omitted>In the key <Code Omitted>In the gate
By Daunijell, with no replies.
I'm making an mediaplayer in greenfoot and i was wondering if greenfoot supports videoplayback.
Compiler Warning: Unsafe operations
By michiele, with 6 replies.
Last reply by michiele, about 13 years ago:
That fixed it davmac. I was running 2.1.0. I upgraded to the current release of greenfoot and the warning is gone. I just don't like seeing the warning, especially since I teach an intro class. I don't want to worry about explaining it to them.
I have been given a Scenario that i need to solve PLEASE HELP!
By 77JJJ77, with 5 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 13 years ago:
BTW your canMove() method will always return true: you are getting the actors current location (which must always be within the ranges of the world) and trying to return a false if they are outside the world (which will never be).
Make a actor
By Dalle4, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Dalle4, about 13 years ago:
Ohh didn't knew i could use gimp, i will try it ;) thanks ;)