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trash1000's Scenarios

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play BreakOut
plays 14485 / votes 16


by trash1000, 2012/5/19

A feature rich BreakOut clone.

play jBoxx
plays 5762 / votes 3


by trash1000, 2010/7/4

Clone of Sokoban, a classic puzzle game from 1981

play What is it?
plays 4356 / votes 6

What is it?

by trash1000, 2012/11/29

Uncovering an image

play Algorithms
plays 11152 / votes 10


by trash1000, 2010/7/16

Implementing a few sorting algorithms in Greenfoot

play Simon
plays 2963 / votes 0


by trash1000, 2012/5/30

Remember a sequence of colors. How much can you handle?

play Nim Game
plays 3140 / votes 0

Nim Game

by trash1000, 2012/5/14

Classic game

play Mastermind
plays 4272 / votes 0


by trash1000, 2012/4/30

A classic code-breaking game.

play Solitaire
plays 6005 / votes 7


by trash1000, 2012/4/7

A classic card game

play Das Haus vom Nikolaus (Graph theory)
plays 4627 / votes 0

Das Haus vom Nikolaus (Graph theory)

by trash1000, 2012/4/27

Simple scenario showcasing eulerian trails.

play Morse Code Translator
plays 7296 / votes 2

Morse Code Translator

by trash1000, 2012/4/2

- .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. -. - --- / - . -..- - / .- -. -.. / - . -..- - / .. -. - --- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .