Seems you are falling into the quite unfortunate problem that Greenfoot doesn't really allow files to be in any folder but either the Image folder or the root folder. Its a pain but can easily be fixed by putting all your files in the same directory, and changing the source accordingly.
If you don't want to lose the folder organization, you can make a copy of the scenario when you upload it and modify it from there
Thats weird, hmmmm I don't know why that would be happening, as whenever you click, it explicitly *sets* the mouse image to transparent. What OS and browser are you using?
I still get the page scrolling in Chrome/Firefox/IE and I'm running Windows 7. I'm having trouble finding this on google too, I'll keep searching and see if I can find out anything I should change. Scrolling seems to not lose focus of the Applet, but having focus does not prevent scrolling via the Mouse Wheel (although it does prevent scrolling via the arrow keys)
The mouse image is disabled simply by setting the mouse image to a transparent image, using the code davmac provided in the discussion. You can check out the source for any clarifications :)
I had some early issues generating the Image object to initialize the cursor, as it kept giving me a security exception, so I eventually resorted to taking an AWTImage object out of a GreenfootImage object and using that :P
Haha nice :) I seem to have broken something with regards to the static lighting setup, so im working on fixing that. I am also working on dynamic cables to implement in future puzzles, as well as enemies and more weapons :)
Nice :D Your games always are some of the best looking on the entire gallery! Are you going to add some soft of health system and more weapons? Maybe this could turn into a kind of Geometry Wars for Greenfoot :D
Adventures in 2D
Advanced Mouse Control
Advanced Mouse Control
Advanced Mouse Control
Advanced Mouse Control
Nightmare: Emergence
Nightmare: Emergence
Nightmare: Emergence