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If your open to suggestions, a nice background song would be twilight techno - dimrain47. I used it in a scenario similar to this one, called bouncy. If you wish, you can take it out of there.
I managed to button-mash my way to level 43
Geez. I wanna buy a "LITTER AND DIE" sign and stick it in there. I lost on the 4th level =C
Maybe, remove the turnAtEdge() for the bug and have a method that prevents the bug from going past the edge instead. Also, increasing the speed slightly might make the game a bit more playable. Overall good first project.
For the longest time, I was trying to play it by clicking...
Nice game! 9 times out of ten, the AI drops above your last piece =)
Nothing is implemented to cause Tobi to die (or reset position) when he falls into a hole. You can go through the whole level underneath the ground...
It's just an image...
Jump on it's head. Hit it into the bottom of the screen without hitting your head on the upper spikes. It takes, I believe, 4 hits on easy, 6 on hard.