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Haha, okay. Keep up the good work. =)
=) Thanks Herman.
Thank you very much :) Gracias :)
Hehe, not bad. Two tips though. 1. Computer only advances towards you when your charging, when it reaches you, it fails to attack. 2. When the computer is defending, it is impossible to damage. It should be damagable, but less damage hit.
Haha yeah, I know the one :)
If you click restart, Mario doesn't appear again. Also, could you post your source? I could really put your scrolling method to use in my game. Thanks Here that is in spanish since your scenario is in spanish... Si hace clic en reiniciar, Mario no vuelve a aparecer. Asimismo, ¿podría publicar su fuente? Me podría poner su método de desplazamiento para su uso en mi juego. Gracias
Monty, he's just simulating 2012 XD
You know, if you started writing pay-for apps for Apple, you could make a decent profit. Well, that is if Apple used java... I'm just sayin ;)
Thanks =D I was going over your code and I was just wondering (I'm no expert with doubles) if, instead of drawing the lines for the image, you could draw the lines onto the actor and move the actor itself... Just to clarify, instead of having double x as the X location on the image, I'm trying to make it so that it does something like setLocation(x, y) so that I can find if another actor intersects... I'm not great at explaining stuff like this, I'm only 13, so, it's not a wonder. Thanks again Builderboy.