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Busch2207's Comments

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Jump is with control! (That's also written on the first sign in the game)
There is an error that is responsible that it won't load in some cases... On a few computer, this error always occure... :( I'll fix it when I have time again! :)
Thank you very much Cheribasa! :) I'll fix this in the next update! But I think this will probably take a bit, because I'm doing my A-levels in some months and till then I won't have much time to continue work on this game...
@ sirjustinhe I'm sorry, but the problem is not the code... The problem is a Java Heap Space Exception, that will be thrown by some computers, because there are loaded really many datas, that will be needed... Maybe try to restart your browser or try it with another computer. :) I don't know, what I can do against this Exception... :( @ AliceWard I'm painting the worlds in a big image in different colors (black: earth, gray: rock, dark gray: cave, transparent: sky, blue: water). Then an algorithm runs over it and creates the Textures and saves the different Materials in a 2D-array. After creating the textures, I draw the environment (trees, bushes, rocks, etc.) to the background and the I add the rest things, like buildings, switches, traps, etc.. :)
Maybe take a look at the documentation of the 'Mouse'-class in this scenario: The class can help you to add a scrolling with the mouse wheel! :)
well, I would say, this is a game! ;)
Thank you guys! :) @ quando04: Well I'm not planing to publish the source Code, but if you want it, I can sent it you per eMail! (my is:
I have to write an essay for my seminar. So I nearly spent the whole last month for it... Tomorrow Is the deadline, then I'll have more time for the game again! :)
Yes, it's only an image, where a clipping is shown. And of course the objects, that are moving on it. :) In this scenario, you can see, how I did it: