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Thank you very much! :) Well, I haven't published the source code, cause I'm not quite sure, if I'm alowed to spread the graphics and sounds... But if you want, I can sent it you per e-mail. (my e-mail: Busch.2207@yahoo,de :) And if you need some help, you can also ask me, of course! Then I'll try to help you. :)
Leider nicht viel... Du kannst sonst nur einkaufen oder mit den Leuten reden...
Ne machst du nicht! ;) Da geht die Story leider noch nicht weiter... Ich werde aber schauen, dass ich pro Woche mindestens eine Fortsetzung schaff! :)
Well these saving problems occures often on this website... Then it's not the fault of the programmer of the simulation or game... I added an information at the begin, that shows, if you are logged in for the game. If not, you can try to restart your browser or log out and in again... I also took a look at the game datas and I could not see a field, where your score is saved, so there was a mistake with your browser or the website, when you wanted to save the game... I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about this...
The method 'getMaterialAt(int x, int y)' returns the Material at the given Location. I initialized some points around the middle of the balls, that have to be checked for Material (In the constructor of tje class Points are the points setted with the method 'setOffset(int [] x,int [] y)'). And when a ball wants to move at a location where solid material is, I calculate the degrees it has to bounce of it.
Maybe you can take a look at this: I used this scenario for the basics of the collision check!
Ah ok! I'll take a look at this glitch with the warrior! Well... I already thought about this thing with the saving! I will fix it in the next Update!
I haven't received an email from you, limefortheworld... But thank you! :) Well, the AI isn't fully developed yet, cause there is still a problem with throwing objects at opponents... (cause I recognized, that it crushes the FPS in the gallery... ):
@ USBest You can save the game by entering your wood hut and by pressing "enter". (That's also written on the shields in the left side of the hut ;) To get to the second part of the story, you have to walk left past the magician hut. @ VK135635 I'm not planing to publish the source code, cause I'm not sure, if I'm alowed to spread this graphics, sounds and music... But if you want it, I could sent you an email. (my email: