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And extra bonus for hitting multiple blocks with one shot as well as hitting the same block more than once.
511! :) Could'a done better. OO, I cheated! :( @kuiske, see my first post? it says 'a point for each 10 act cycles survived'. How did I score so well, you might ask? I did not start the scenario right away (worked on a very hard sudoku puzzle -- not done yet). Anyways, using the system clock to score with is not a good thing. The game can be initialized, but not started (or paused) and the clock keeps going!
Like it was not difficult before oo/
I like the action you get when you hold down the spacebar (scaling the balloons)!
Could have a scoring system. Maybe a point for each balloon that makes it to the bottom before you do.
What methods did you use, and what values did you change them to?
Nice! I would love to see them bounce off each other and the walls (real like)!
Could go on forever, holding down 'up' and 'right' keys, as the balloons pose no threat!
The last method listed should be 'setShowUnitOfMeasureText(boolean show)'. It was missing the 'Show' part.