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nooby123's Scenarios

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play Dungeon (demo)
plays 17702 / votes 54

Dungeon (demo)

by nooby123, 2013/1/1

play Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)
plays 2551 / votes 0

Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)

by nooby123, 2013/12/30

A random number generator.

play Snake
plays 2352 / votes 0


by nooby123, 2013/12/27

The old retro game.

play Runner [WIP]
plays 5004 / votes 7

Runner [WIP]

by nooby123, 2013/5/14

A simple runner game.

play Brick Breaker
plays 6091 / votes 2

Brick Breaker

by nooby123, 2013/5/15

Simple brick breaking game.

play RSA Cryptosystem
plays 2361 / votes 0

RSA Cryptosystem

by nooby123, 2013/5/13

Testing with cryptology.

play Information 2.0
plays 3001 / votes 3

Information 2.0

by nooby123, 2013/4/6

Just a demo.

play Physics 2
plays 5704 / votes 10

Physics 2

by nooby123, 2012/12/29

Physics expirement

play Mech
plays 7381 / votes 17


by nooby123, 2012/10/14

A very short demo.

play Elements
plays 3989 / votes 1


by nooby123, 2012/12/27