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I have the scrolling following an actor, I just want to know how to make the scrolling image scroll a different speed than all the scrolling objects.
How can I make the background image scroll slower than the main object's speed (regarding to your sample platform scenario which has gone "missing").
You can't download this scenario - the source code was not published (there isn't a big green download button).


I don't see why you can't just scale everything to be smaller instead of having a monitor with a lot of pixels.
could you upload your code?
could you post your code?
@liliput It seems that you tried to like/vote this scenario (about 3 times), as of now there isn't much to it and I'm currently unable to upload it due to an error that I receive when I try. I have the moving fixed and I implemented combos among other things for the next upload. If you're trying to like/vote this scenario then click on the "Who likes this?<Thumbs up>Do I like this?", then reload the page and it should show that you like it.
that was a question, note the '?' at the end of the sentence.
I changed the three getWorld().getObjects(... in your methods to getIntersectingObjects(... since that was the only way I can use your methods for collision checking between two actors of the same class. It works just fine, since there is no reason why it shouldn't but I'm just wondering why you did what you did? Maybe there is a reason that I should use getObjects as opposed to getIntersectingObjects.