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@tylers you can see the source? There must be something wrong with my browser


How can you make things so cool! Please keep updating! Will you? BTW, would source code be available?
public class Light extends Actor implements Glower { private static GreenfootImage Glow = new GreenfootImage("light.png"); int d; /** * the static block woud be called before any instance has been inited of this class */ static{ Glow.setTransparency(0); } public GreenfootImage getGlowImage(){return Glow;} /** * if U don't give it a iamge at the beginning * it will get a Greenfoot defalt iamge * so put the image setting here, not in the act */ public Light() { setImage(Glow); } public void act() { ++d; if(d > 50) getWorld().removeObject(this); } } Try a change in the Light class like above, and the problem will be fitted
We Chinese do not have Ninjas( they come from Japan) OK, Never mind that~
I noticed that some snow at the bottom would have a Greenfoot default image, is that a bug? After all I love it
Very Nice! I love it
@SPower He's just trying the "export" function maybe o(︶︿︶)o
only java.awt.Color is needed to import at the head of the class RaY


Great! I love it! I love pixel images!