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Yay! I've been thinking about doing something along this line. Great start!


There is a definite need here to control the language! The expletives above are completely unacceptable. Please remember the audience of this site.
Yep, SPower. That's where I'm going to go with it. However, work has taken over my life again. Might be a while before I get back to this; given a nice trip to europe at the end of the week.
OMG, this sucks!!!! Why just copy someone else's work?
See my 2d bump map and light demo: I found an article and source for how to do this. I just need time now to mash the two together!
Hi SPower, that shine effect is the displacement map filter I mentioned.. :) There is a filter available on the net, but it isn't tuned.. I would like that shiny look ASAP.
I'm going to add a shadow next (with a simple casting effect from light actor) and will also look at writing a fast displacement map filter. The filter I obtained isn't quick. A dirty approximation is all that is required and gives me a new challenge!
I'm going to add a shadow next (with a simple casting effect from light actor) and will also look at writing a fast displacement map filter. The filter I obtained isn't quick. A dirty approximation is all that is required and gives me a new challenge!
This is the article I found. Do have a read for the theory.