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sp33dy's Comments

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Looks promising. Please upload an image screenshot, look for option under publish..
Yes, there's a little bit of room to play with this. Thought people might like the example code. Especially with how i've implemented the act/gravity method. I've not commented the code because it should (hopefully) easy to read.
2065! :) It went absolutely mad.. Can't see the longetivity in this though. It needs something else..
Oops, I forgot that this isn't going to run from the show case..
Great idea, although it wasn't initially clear what I had to do. Might be worth uploading a few instructions. I.E. Find the answer to match the question!


There's also a bug. If the ball lands to the side of a platform, it seems to go really mad (in terms of a quick repeated up/down motion and noise).


This is coming along lovely. Really could do with a menu at some point to restart the game etc. Rather than having to click restart/run.
This is really neat! Love the rotation of the switches.
I might take you up on that offer later. However, to be sure you know (heading to bed). The visualiser worked for me from the Gallery!!