I became the Salutatorian after I graduated from high school. I received a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics & Computer Science. I became a Software Engineer. I was a Software Engineer for 22 years. I also received an MS Software & Systems Engineering Degree, an MA Engineering & Mathematics Education Degree, an MA in Mental Health Counseling & School Counseling Degree, and new work on finishing my Doctoral Degree in Organizational Leadership & Conflict Resolution. I became a Career Technical Education (CTE) Educator and Mathematics teacher for 18 years. I am motivating my Career & Technical Education (CTE) high school students (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grades) to be successful at Garland Alternative Education Center (GAEC) for students from six campuses.
Member since January 25, 2024
Age: Turning 61 this month!
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