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OH i understand. you just didn't shoot, because the explosion is from the side of tank, it means you hit the barrel. if it hits the ditch it will explode on the bottom. I assure you, there are no glitches with the jump or jump distance okay? promise i've tested it so many times. (:
which part of my explanation do you not understand? 1. ditches have been tested and it is very possible to get past them, just get more practice maybe? =S 2. if you wish to copy/fix my scenario's "code" then go ahead and download it
there shouldnt be a problem because I have taken this into account - the tank can jump over 4 ditches in a row (max ditches that can naturally occur), and if not there would be gaps between them where the tank can land for another jump. my source code is available for download if u wish to fix it (moving/jumping and ditch spawning limits), or if you want to copy my whole scenario to fix some indentations and speed.
a very original game here. playable and no glitches. well done!
yayy beat the game first try. i like the background. just wondering if u are going to add more elements to it to make your breakout "unique"? :o


184 birds, 55% accuracy O_O btw how is your accuracy calculated in this scenario?
1527 first try.. just wondering, who's the dude in the game?
thanks for the comments. maybe i'll come with an updated version a week or so later. (:
Graphics - EPIC, also heard your name "FreezerSting" from PlanetRenders and DeviantArt and you make really good digital artwork. Gameplay - Fast-paced and addictive, one of those games that are all-time favourites. The "glow" animation and background is a great touch to the game. Programming - No glitches, smooth and each aspect fits together extremely well. Aesthetics - Not much that can be improved, the game is pretty much self-explanatory. Other Suggestions - Maybe sounds? Makes the game more fully presented. MAKE MORE POWER UPS and perhaps levels. GL