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Scenarios tagged: gui

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play Clock
plays 3661 / votes 1


by Yehuda, 2017/4/20

A Clock.

play Pengu
plays 13432 / votes 11


by Nosson1459, 2016/11/6

Platform Jumper

play Text Calculator
plays 2089 / votes 0

Text Calculator

by basil60, 2014/7/3

play PayCalculator
plays 2684 / votes 0


by basil60, 2014/7/2

play Interpreter
plays 5364 / votes 8


by bourne, 2014/4/28

Write some code and run it

play TowerDefense
plays 3630 / votes 0


by EPICxFAIL-_, 2014/6/2

Defeat the incoming Monsters!

play GUI Components
plays 15895 / votes 17

GUI Components

by bourne, 2013/3/1

Reusable GUI components. (TextBox, Menu, ListBox, Window, etc.)

play Residents
plays 11260 / votes 20


by bourne, 2013/12/30

Customize property to share with fellow Greenfoot members. And unlock new items.

play Chess Dos
plays 6435 / votes 6

Chess Dos

by bourne, 2014/2/12

Play chess with other Greenfoot users, or against the AI (with difficulty setting), or yourself.