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I'll give it a try when I can take a break :)
Too bad we cannot change the initial submit comment.
Thanks, I had just tried a quick test, but not sure if that was the way to go. Will this properly call the add they have in the my world base class? Will there be any player spawning issues when they change screen?
If you press the 'm' you guy can still walk, walk to a different room and the robots will be frozen. to unfreeze everybody press the 'm; key again.
oh in your world1 prepare method you have: Player player = new Player(); addObject(player, 50, 415); which makes this player show up locally, you have a Actor called Player that is not being initialized for some reason (even though it looks like MyWorld constructor makes one, but is is not) Change in prepare on room1 to: Player = new Player(); addObject(player, 50, 415); and the Player Object becomes not null.
There may be an instance of Player that is not referring to the one we see on the screen; Danpost might know what is up as to why it is null. I might try removing the actor from the world, clean up anything that referenced then and then re-add them (the player) and see if that helps.
I made the poor guy a waterfall of blood. :D
Sound Attribution: Title: Life Crisis Author: RepaidGateman Location: Direct Link: I had to convert it into a wave file since there was an exception with the playing of the sound (index out of range) thought I was later able to correct it looping the mp3 had a stutter even when all silence had been cut. The Wave file the pause is a lot less noticeable (but is 10 times the size) I will just have to find a long mp3 and do a fade in and fade out so the looping will not be as apparent. is a great place for free resources. :D
Can you make more than 1 crate fall to the ground? It is not a bad start.