Yes, looking at the code this could happen, it is a SUPER FAIL, but this is easy to fix - I'll put it in when I made the quest items and at least 1 new robot type - which will look like the old robot type.
look at the worlds you have, right click on the world you wish to edit, select 'new World1()'; where World1 is the name of your class. This will become the background. Edit it and then use the save the world option. repeat this process to put your original room back.
Maybe, could you make the other rooms the primary room and just place the objects and use the save the world feature and swap them back in their proper place? I would use an array or something to keep the room formats and just place the object upon switching.
The original plan for this game was that it was to be implemented using JavaScript and the play field was going to be one third the size it currently is. I was just going to make it a little amusement logo/stamp to put on my site. A coworker of mine told me his daughter was learning Java via Greenfoot and that she had to make a game as her final project. I was curious and I thought to check it out. I did not have a clue as to what I would make, maybe pong or breakout or reimplement something I had done before and wished to rewrite. Looking through my hard drive I find a bunch of sprites spanning years for all of these ideas I had. I would make the art and the just sort of lose interest after working all the little pics out and animations to go with them. Hopefully I can bring more of these things to life.
Epic Quest
Epic Quest
Epic Quest
Epic Quest