Very nice so far. One thing you may want to consider though, set the paint order.
Right now, the ground objects are in front of the people. It's easy to fix though. Just go to your World class, and in the constructor (Just below where it says super(number, number, number)) add the line - setPaintOrder(Player.class, Ground.class);
As I said earlier, the original source code has been destroyed. I have a modified version (I was trying to fix the jump issues and gave up part way through) that I will send you. It isn't too hard to follow, but it's written a bit... specially...
Actually, I never really programmed an ending in.... Stage 19 isn't completable.
I just made the stage increase and turned things on and off so if you hold down F3, you'll advance through the array of levels, but after stage 18, nothing is enabled.
This is the Only Level Too
This is the Only Level Too
begining platform
This is the Only Level [No Bounce Step Edit]
This is the Only Level
This is the Only Level
Adventures in 2D
Super Mario
This is the Only Level