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Sorry about that Captain. The bouncing started off non-existant, but slowly, I adapted the code the make the elephant do small bounces off the ground. I was lazy and didn't feel like doing any kind of math, so the elephant will always reverse it's fall when it hits the ground. Level 11, I agree is screwed up. Try jumping when you hit the ground, it slows the bounce-back. If I get around to it, I'll improve the bounces for you. Thanks for your patience!
Sometimes, the ball gets stuck on a block (Starts twitching out of control, trying to free itself) and game play pretty much ends. Other times, the ball completely ignores the wall on the right and flies right through it.
Mouse click =) I'll post a complete walkthrough in the description
I'm not sure if your aware, but Greenfoot 2.0 has a built in Midi Sequence Handler (Or whatever it's called) Just say - GreenfootSound music = new GreenfootSound("tem.mid"); if(!music.isPlaying());
Also, why are the dashed lines their own class? Why not just add them to the image of the road?
Mmmmm, rockets on the road? And pedestrians can get hit by cars, just not yours? Works for me :P
Ahhhh, I'm cluttering up the front page in a desperate attempt to get a decent picture in there. Sorry guys ~.~
I'm glad you like it.
Ahh, thanks. Nice idea with the flashing ball. I will fix this up for the next update.