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Gevater_Tod4711's Comments

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Oh sorry. I completely forgot about this. Just couldn't remember. Sorry.
That's asking? Well I thought a question should have a questionmark or something. But however. It's ok.
It would be nice if you ask me before copying things from my scenarios. It's ok now but please ask next time.
It's not realy a game. It's just a demo you can use in your scenarios. Using this scrolling world you can make your world seem much bigger.
To exit the fullscreen you can use the key combination 'Alt' + 'Tab'. But the game only works when you play in the fullscreen window. Otherwhise the buttons and keys will not work.
Zu lange. In etwa ne halbe oder dreiviertel Stunde.
I'm currently working on Call of Worms 2. I'll try to add a flame thrower. Thanks for the advice.
It's a bit irritating that your mouse always moves out of the applet frame. I think it would be better if your mouse always would stay in the middle of the screen. Maybe this API can help you:,%20int%29
When you try to connect an objects output with it's own input the simulation stops (doesn't make much sence to connect the objects this way but that causes exceptions).