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Ja das passiert mir auch immer oft. Die werte totalXMovement und totalYMovement sind die insgesammte verschiebung der ganzen scrolling world vom startpunkt aus. Wenn du eine scrollingWorld brauchst die ohne die SlideBars auskommt versuch mal meine Infinite Scrolling World ( oder meine Mouse Scrolling World ( Die funktionieren relativ ähnlich nur ohne die slidebars eben.
Semikolons, Symikolons... Ich weiß ja was gemeint ist. Mit der Rechtschreibung hab ich's sowiso nicht so.
Die Symikolons machen eigentlich nichts. Das sind leere anweisungen. Das einzige was die schleifen machen ist den wert der variablen (x und y glaub ich heißen die) zu verändern. Und ja instanceof fragt ab ob ein Objekt eine instanz einer Klasse ist (wie der name auch vermuten lässt).
@davemib123 The game should be playable in full screen. Can you only play it in the applet window? Normaly there should be a frame that comes up when you start the game.
Realy? I think I have about 20. I don't get why you always get such small FPS numbers. May your computer or your internet connection is just to weak.
The started and stopped methods are declared final in the FullScreenWorld. If you copy the code from this methods and set them to non-final (just delete the final modifyer) it should work. I think I also have to find a better way for this.
You can't close the fullscreen window? Thats strange (again). Try to use the tast manager till I add a way for closing the window.
Well thats strange. This method is part of the java API. This method was included to the API with java 7 I think. If you are using an older version of java that probably cause problems. I'll try to use another method that was included in the previouse API's. Till I finish this you could try to update java. That may also work.
The first Full Screen Game is online. Super Mario World is now available as fullscreen game.